There are lots of different dressings for minor burns and scalds. There is no particular dressing that works better than others, the important thing is to keep your burn clean and covered with a dressing.
There are steps you can take when you first receive a burn that will limit the damage:
- Don't put any cream or ointment on your burn.
- Use a dressing that won't stick to your skin. Avoid cotton wool and other scratchy materials.
- Paraffin gauze dressings are often used by doctors and nurses because they are simple and effective.
- You can buy most dressings from a pharmacy without a prescription.
- Paracetemol or ibuprofen can help the pain of minor burns.
- You won't need to take antibiotic tablets or use antibiotic creams, unless your burn becomes infected.
If you think your burn is infected, you should visit your GP or health nurse.