Illnesses & Conditions
Cold, Cough & Flu
- Can dairy products increase congestion?
- Cold and flu remedies: what works and what is safe to use?
- How can I avoid catching my child's cold?
- How can I tell if my toddler is coming down with flu?
- I am worried about swine flu. Where can I find reliable information?
- I'm worried about my child getting swine flu. What should I look out for?
- I've heard so many different things about colds and flu. Which ones are true and which ones are myths
- Is it true that colds and flu are most contagious before symptoms appear?
- Is it true that dairy products make a sick child produce more mucus?
- Is it true that kids in crèche get sick more than kids that stay home?
- My child continually sneezes - is this allergy related?
- OTC cough medicine: is it safe?
- What can cause a fever?
- What can I do to protect my kids from getting colds or the flu?
- What could be causing my preschooler's stuffy nose?
- What do I do if my toddler gets swine flu?
- What's the difference between a vaporiser and a humidifier?
- What's the difference between an expectorant and a cough suppressant?
- What's the difference between paracetamol and ibuprofen?
- When will my child be old enough to blow her own nose?
- Will flying make my child's cold worse?
- Winter health: how can I make sure that my toddler stays healthy?
- Are there ways to treat my toddler’s fever without using medication?
- Can a high fever cause brain damage?
- Can I give adult medicine to my preschooler?
- How do I know when a fever is serious?
- How should I treat my toddler’s fever?
- Is it true that rubbing alcohol helps bring down a child's fever?
- Pain remedies: is it safe to switch back and forth between ibuprofen and paracetamol?
- Should I give my child a sponge bath or a drawn bath to lower her temperature?
- Should I give my toddler a bath to lower his fever?
- What can cause a fever?
- What is a fever?
- What's the best method of taking a child's temperature?
- What's the difference between paracetamol and ibuprofen?
Rashes & Other Skin Conditions
- Clothes and eczema: what do I need to know?
- How can cradle cap be prevented?
- How can I keep my child's eczema at bay?
- How can I protect a baby in the sun?
- How can I treat a minor burn?
- How can it be prevented and treated?
- How do I treat my child's eczema?
- How should I bathe my child with eczema?
- Is it true that children are better off getting chicken pox than the vaccine?
- Is it true that kids can catch fleas from a family pet?
- Living environment and eczema: what do I need to know?
- MMR rash: my child got a rash after getting the vaccine. Could she have measles?
- My child bruises easily. Could this be a sign of a vitamin deficiency?
- Rash from MMR vaccine: Could my child have measles?
- What are the causes of eczema?
- What are the symptoms of chicken pox?
- What are the symptoms of eczema?
- What are the treatments for chickenpox?
- What are the types of eczema?
- What does labelling on sunscreen mean?
- What is chicken pox?
- What is cradle cap?
- What is eczema?
- What is sunburn?
- What should my child avoid if they have eczema?
- What to do during a flare up of eczema?
- What's new in emollient therapy for eczema?
- When is chicken pox most contagious?
- When should I seek medical advice for chicken pox?
- Why do I need to know about sunscreen in order to keep my children safe?
- Why doesn't poison ivy appear on the palms of my child's hands?
Vomiting & Other Stomach Conditions
- Does my preschooler have food poisoning or a stomach virus?
- How do I keep my child from getting car sick?
- How do I prevent my child getting norovirus (winter vomiting bug)?
- What are the symptoms of norovirus?
- What is the treatment for Norovirus (Winter-vomiting bug)?
- What is the winter vomiting bug (Norovirus)?
- What should I do if my child gets sick after I give her antibiotics?
- What should I do if my child has the winter vomiting bug? (Norovirus)
- What should I do if my child won't drink anything when he's sick?
- What should I do if my toddler won't drink anything when he's sick?
Ear Infections & Other Ear Conditions
- My child has an ear infection. Is it safe to fly?
- My child is deaf. What are his/her preschool options?
- What are the warning signs of a hearing problem in children 12 to 36 months?
- What happens at a hearing test?
- What's the best way to treat my child's ear infection?
- When is it ok to pierce my daughter's ears?
- Why is my child getting ear infections?
Head & Hair Conditions
Allergies & Asthma
- Allergies and dogs: Can the dog sleep in my child's room?
- Can dairy products increase congestion?
- Do vaccinations put my child at higher risk of asthma?
- How can I treat hay fever in children?
- How can I treat symptoms of a food allergy?
- How is asthma treated?
- Is it true that Christmas trees can trigger allergies?
- Is it true that dark rings under my child's eyes could be a sign of allergies?
- Is it true that forced air heat can trigger allergies?
- My child continually sneezes - is this allergy related?
- What are the symptoms of a food allergy?
- What could be causing my preschooler's stuffy nose?
- What could be causing my toddler's stuffy nose without other symptoms?
- What is a food allergy?
- What is anaphylactic shock?
- What is asthma?
- What is hay fever?
- What's the difference between a vaporiser and a humidifier?
- When will my child be old enough to blow her own nose?
- Which foods is my toddler most likely to be allergic to?
Throat & Mouth Conditions
- Cleaning teeth: how can I get my 2 year old to cooperate?
- How can I tell if my toddler has a serious throat infection, or just a regular sore throat?
- How can tonsillitis be treated?
- Is it true that fluoride can discolour my child's teeth?
- What are the symptoms of tonsillitis in children?
- What can I do to help my toddler through teething?
- What is tonsillitis?
- When should my child start flossing?
- When will my child start losing his milk teeth?
- Why does my toddler grind her teeth?
Constipation & Diarrhoea
- Dehydration: is it okay to give my toddler a sports drink if he seems dehydrated?
- Diarrhoea and dehydration: is it ok to give sugary drinks?
- How is dehydration treated?
- My child is constipated quite often - what can I do to solve the problem?
- Should we use laxatives on our constipated 2 year old?
- What are the symptoms of dehydration in children?
- What is dehydration?
- What should I do if my child won't drink anything when he's sick?
- What should I do if my toddler won't drink anything when he's sick?
- When should I seek medical care for dehydration?
Tooth & Dental Care
Emotional & Mental Health
- Boy liking girls clothes: Is it normal for my preschool son to like girls clothes and toys?
- Children at school are always putting each other down. What can I do?
- Imaginary friends: Is it normal for my preschooler to talk about them?
- My child hits and bites himself. What should I do?
- My child's teacher says he cries a lot about minor things at school. What can I do?
- What causes nightmares?
- What is a nightmare?
- When do nightmares occur?
- Will scary stories like ‘The Pied Piper' or ‘Hansel and Gretel' really disturb my child?
Chronic Conditions
- Diabetes in toddlers: What should I look out for?
- How can pneumonia be treated?
- How do I know if my child has Cystic Fibrosis?
- My child has been diagnosed with epilepsy. What now?
- My child has had a seizure. Could it be epilepsy?
- What causes pneumonia in children?
- What is Cystic Fibrosis?
- What is pneumonia?
Weight Problems
Genital Conditions
Foot Conditions
The three telltale symptoms
- How can I tell if my toddler is coming down with flu?
- I am worried about swine flu. Where can I find reliable information?
- I'm worried about my child getting swine flu. What should I look out for?
- I've heard so many different things about colds and flu. Which ones are true and which ones are myths
- What can I do to protect my kids from getting colds or the flu?
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