You asked

Is it true that dark rings under my child's eyes could be a sign of allergies?

When a person is suffering from allergies, such as dust or pollen allergies, their nose is very often blocked and congested. The congestion causes swelling and restricts blood flow to the vessels and veins surrounding the nose. This is why the veins are darker, creating bluish rings under the eyes. This is more apparent in people with fair, light skin.

Dark rings under the eyes can be as a result of any congestion caused by colds, flu and sinus infections. Allergies are usually accompanied by other symptoms too, such as skin irritations, coughing, watery eyes, constant rubbing of the nose and sneezing.

Allergies are not necessarily something a child is born with – they can develop at any stage.  Children and adults can suddenly become allergic to food that they have never had problems with before. Even more mysterious, is the sudden disappearance of allergies. If you notice a child experiencing any symptoms common to allergies, you should get them tested.

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