Most children begin to lose their milk teeth around the age of 5 or 6 years old. The first teeth to get loose are usually the lower front teeth. The tooth will be loose for a few days before it just falls out.
When a child has a loose tooth, you should look at it daily to make sure that it is not so loose that they could swallow it. Sometime, all it takes is a little nudge to get it to come out.
Once a child starts losing their milk teeth, they will lose one or more quickly thereafter. The adult teeth normally start coming in within weeks of losing the milk teeth.
When a child has a loose tooth, you should look at it daily to make sure that it is not so loose that they could swallow it. Sometime, all it takes is a little nudge to get it to come out.
Once a child starts losing their milk teeth, they will lose one or more quickly thereafter. The adult teeth normally start coming in within weeks of losing the milk teeth.