You asked

Why is so important to take care of baby teeth?

Primary or baby teeth are necessary for eating and speaking and to ensure your child can smile with confidence. They also help form a child’s developing jaw and save a space for their adult teeth to ensure a normal bite. Children are typically twelve years old when the last baby tooth falls out.
However if any baby teeth rot or fall out before they are due to, it may result in their permanent teeth being crowded or crooked.
It’s also important to ensure that there are no cavities or rotting baby teeth as these can cause severe infections which are painful and can cause your child to become ill. 

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For some children, teething can cause a host of problems while other children get through it without as much as a whimper.
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Most children begin to lose their milk teeth around the age of 5 or 6 years old.
Dealing with teething babies
Too much fluoride at the wrong time of your child's dental development can cause irreversible staining of teeth.

