Diabetes is an autoimmune disease and is on the rise around the world; however, the type of diabetes that is increasing the most rapidly is Type 2 diabetes, or adult onset diabetes. This is more common in adults over forty.
It’s not impossible for your child to be diagnosed with diabetes however, although it’s likely to be Type 1 diabetes. Both work the same way.
Diabetics lack the ability to produce enough insulin in their pancreas, and that means that glucose in the blood cannot be processed. Instead, it is passed as urine. Since glucose is needed to provide our bodies with energy, this is a dangerous condition.
People with untreated diabetes run the risk of blindness, heart disease, kidney disease or infections, and in extreme cases, it can even lead to death.
Diabetes is fairly common and it is treatable, either through diet alone, or through a combination of diet and insulin injections.
If you are concerned about your child having diabetes, then your doctor can perform a test, which will measure the level of glucose in the blood.
It’s not impossible for your child to be diagnosed with diabetes however, although it’s likely to be Type 1 diabetes. Both work the same way.
Diabetics lack the ability to produce enough insulin in their pancreas, and that means that glucose in the blood cannot be processed. Instead, it is passed as urine. Since glucose is needed to provide our bodies with energy, this is a dangerous condition.
People with untreated diabetes run the risk of blindness, heart disease, kidney disease or infections, and in extreme cases, it can even lead to death.
Diabetes is fairly common and it is treatable, either through diet alone, or through a combination of diet and insulin injections.
If you are concerned about your child having diabetes, then your doctor can perform a test, which will measure the level of glucose in the blood.