Having a baby affects your sex life whether you have a vaginal birth or a Caesarean, but each birth experience can affect your sex life differently.


Here’s how a C-section affects your sex life:


How long will it take to heal?

It can take about six weeks for your body to heal after a C-section and you should stay away from heavy lifting, and exercising. You are also likely to have to remain in hospital for four to five days so you obviously won’t getting up to anything while you are in the ward. It will also take a little longer for you to return to feeling normal both physically and mentally so don’t worry if you don’t want to get up to anything for a while anyway.


When to get back under the sheets

There are no hard and fast rules about when you can start having sex again after giving birth. Just make sure you feel comfortable and are ready for it within yourself.


Will it be painful?

For some women who have had a Caesarean, sex can be painful for anywhere between six and 12 months – sometimes even longer. This can be due to tissue scarring or even and infection so if you are experiencing pain, make sure you talk to your midwife or doctor who can figure out any underlying issues.



There is always the risk of conceiving again even if you are breastfeeding so make sure you use contraception.


