In an age where we are tech-obsessed and glued to our phones twenty-four-seven, a wealth of research has been carried out on exactly how this is affecting our eyesight – and it’s not good. Here are some of the most damaging effects of texting on your eyesight.


It strains your eyes

Looking at things up close, and spending hours with your nose stuck in your phone makes your eyes converge to cater to the short distance. This puts your eye muscles under strain, which in turn causes headaches. Looking away from your screen as often as you can will help to combat the strain.


It’s making your eyes dry

When you look at something in the distance, you blink a lot, which ensures that your eyes stay moist. However, your blinking rate slows down considerably when you’re looking at something up close, which dries them out. Consult your doctor if you notice this is becoming an issue, but maybe consider taking a break from your phone at various intervals throughout the day.



It increases your risk of blindness

Overexposure to the blue light from your smartphone sends harmful toxins to the eye, damaging it and leading to macular degeneration, which is one of the leading causes of blindness. Reducing your screentime is the best way to fend off any potentially serious health threats like this.


It tires your eyes

As well as potentially causing very serious damage, looking at blue light before going to bed can prevent you from going to sleep. As we all know, not getting a good night’s sleep causes headaches and tired, strained eyes the next day. Once you hit the sack, keep that phone at bay - messages and Facebook updates can wait until the morning.

