Just because you have been married for a long time does not mean that you have to lose those butterfly feelings you felt the first time you met.
Unfortunately, while some marriages can’t survive a rough patch, others can thrive off them.
Here are five great ways to keep your marriage alive and fresh:
Say thank you
Make sure your other half knows that you appreciate them by saying thanks. Avoid keeping score of who does what around the house, instead say thanks when they do something and they will follow suit. 
Make the effort for each other
With a household of duties and responsibilities it is quite easy to let your appearance slide. Every once in a while, make the effort to get dolled up and go on a date. Not only will you both appreciate the effort you make for each other but you will also feel better and a lot sexier.
Be kind
Be kind to each other and don’t take advantage. Knowing that someone loves us can sometimes leave us believing we can get away with anything. If you have a bad day at work don’t take it out on your partner, and if they want to do something that you really don’t want to just go with it – being kind can go a long way.
Take some time out for yourself
Just because you are married doesn’t mean you have to spend every single moment with each other. Don’t be ashamed to make some time for yourself and go off and enjoy days with your friends or some time alone. Not only will you be giving your head a little breathing space you will also become a much more interesting person to your other half. Being able to swop stories of what you get up to away from each other can bring you closer together.
Maintain intimacy
Make sure you maintain intimacy both inside and outside the bedroom. Hold hands when you go out, kiss each other on the lips and cuddle into each other when you are cold. Ignore what other people believe to be a “normal” amount of sex, just go with what you both feel comfortable with.
Remember to tell each other that you love one another a few times a day.

