A mum-blogger has left the internet in hysterics this week, after sharing the story of her 'embarrassing incident' during her first yoga class.


While in the middle of the dolphin pose, Laura Mazza, as they say, “let one rip” in front of a full class.


Mortified, the Melbourne mother wrote on her blog: “What just happened? I’m dreaming, surely? I’m in a nightmare.”


Immediately after, Laura took a selfie, with the caption: “And somewhere between the dolphin position and the three-legged dog, two of those burning garbage eggs slip out and I fart. I farted. I farted at yoga. I’m a walking cliché. My pelvic floor has failed me."


After having her babies, Laura was diagnosed with muscle separation along her abdominal wall. Because of this, someone recommended her to take on yoga. Mazza also suffers from Irritable Bowels Syndrome and, along with her recent diagnosis, this does not bode well for the mum-of-two.



She admitted that the first two farts were silent. However, when the yoga instructor pushed down on her lower back, she let out a “not-so-silent-and-deadly” which everyone and their mother could hear.


“She comes over... pushes my back down...And buuuuuuuuuurrppppfffffff...The loudest trumpet comes out of my ass. I froze and thought, ‘Oh my god!’ My face flushes red, and I have tears in my eyes from the embarrassment,” she wrote.


Laura left the class, saying: “I’m never EVER doing yoga again. F**k the muscle separation!”


The following day, Laura woke up to discover her post had been shared 20,000 times and received 16,000 loving and respectful comments, as well as many commenters’ own embarrassing and cringe-worthy stories.


“I thought it was hilarious!!! I want to be your new best friend. This is me all over,” wrote one follower on Facebook.


“Hahaha! You are such good value! Love your blogs! Love your life! Everything in general, I can relate to and makes me feel somewhat normal,” said another commenter. 



Naturally, all the positive feedback left Laura feeling elated and compelled to share another message.


“So, I just wanna say I'm BLOWN away (pun intended) by the love for my fart post. I'm truly proud and can say in 10 years’ time to my children that mummy made her mark on this world. They'll ask me, 'How did you do it, Mum? And I'll say well, I wrote about this time I farted son',” she joked.


"Thank you for giving me the love and sharing your stories, and giving me advice about yoga and farts and IBS...We often see shitty things on the news, and it always makes us question humanity; but don't let that minority of evil spoil it, because the love you're giving me is proof that the world is indeed a beautiful place.”


You can read Laura’s blog, 'Mum on the Run', and follow her on Facebook


Do you have any embarrassing stories like Laura’s that you want to share? Let us know in the comment section!

