Indigestion and gas is perfectly normal and should be no cause for concern unless your child is experiencing more than just minor pain and discomfort.
There are many things that can trigger a bout of indigestion. Learning what foods and activities to avoid is probably the best thing you can do for your child’s indigestion.
If your child is allowed to run around during meal time, this can cause gas and indigestion.  ‘Eating on the run’ causes a child to take in more air. The excess air gets trapped in the intestines causing discomfort.
Additionally, if your child eats fast and does not chew his food properly, he will consume air and end up with indigestion. Make it a rule that meal time is always at the table, and there is no playing during a meal.
High fibre foods and excess fatty foods can also be the culprit. If your child eats a lot of cereal he may be getting too much fibre which will cause excess gas and indigestion. And, your child’s intestines may be sensitive to fatty foods like greasy French fries.
Chewing gum can cause intestinal distress in two ways. First, the artificial sweeteners that are used in some chewing gums are difficult to digest. Second, the act of chewing may increase the air consumption.
Fruit juice, which is usually high in fructose and sucrose, can bring on a bout of gas. Carbonated beverages contain phosphoric acid which is also known to cause intestinal distress.

