Ever walked into your local Dunnes and browsed through the wine section trying to figure out what to buy but then picking a bottle based on (a) celebrity name (we’re looking at you Graham Norton) (b) design of bottle label of (c) special offer? You aren’t alone – very few of us have an in-depth knowledge of wine aside from our Friday night relationship with it (with of course is extremely close).
When one of our favourite Irish blogger Bridey Bunch Triplets said she was starting a new Instagram page, about wine and chats, it was a marriage made in heaven.
Bridget has worked for many years in the wine industry. Her life is extremely full and busy being a mum to her three gorgeous children her triplets Beatrice, Will and Jude but she misses the world of wine. So, she has started her new page which is for chatting and drinking wine which seems like the perfect antidote to a long and stressful day.
Not only is Bridget a triplet mum but she also has a DipWset in Wine (the flagship qualification in the understanding of wines and spirits) so she knows what she is talking about.
She has promised to give: “a few tips and pointers on buying wines in your supermarkets and wine shops. How much they differ in quality, the phenomenon of mass made wines and their popularity and finally maybe a pointers in understanding your own preferences to help you make new choices”
Sounds perfect! Follow her now on Brideys Wine Chats over on Instagram.