Growing up, we somehow switch from being almost physically allergic to members of the opposite sex (cooties, anyone?) to falling in love with them – but it seems that this little boy may have missed the memo.


Far from being horrified, when little Will was recently asked to hug his young female friend, he obliged – and discovered that it was his new favourite thing in life.


While the little girl is only mildly amused by their interaction, adorable Will can’t help but whoop, jump and clap his hands with delight after the adorable exchange.


In fact, Will is so enamoured with his new lady friend that he feels the need to go back again and again to spread the love and savour every sweet moment.


Needless to say, this hilarious video has gone viral around the world since being uploaded to YouTube.


This is the sweetest thing you will see all day. Check it out below.




