Recent research and reports have given an insight into just how great an issue mental health is for our children, and a new study has further highlighted why we so urgently need to address this topic.


According to new research, children with emotional or mental health difficulties stand a much greater risk of absenteeism from school and isolation from their peers.


The study, carried out by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), explored the educational experience of children with disabilities.


Researchers found that 25% of children with emotional, psychological and mental health difficulties accumulate at least three months absence from school; this is in comparison with 9% of children who have intellectual or learning difficulties.


The study showed that girls were more at risk of absenteeism, while boys appeared to be more vulnerable to social isolation.



Indeed, researchers found that only just over half of boys aged five to 12 in the study participated in play with their peers.


Commenting on the findings, authors Joanne Banks, Bertrand Maitre and Selina McCoy said: “The results raise questions over the extent to which children and young people experiencing emotional and mental health difficulties receive adequate social and personal support.”


Meanwhile, they suggested that their findings related to social isolation showed the need for initiatives training and encouraging children in socialising and integration.


