The beginning of December marks the start of the Christmas season - full of cold nights, hot chocolate, and family pantos.
This year, Michelle Heaton was thrilled to find she was cast in the Grand Opera House’s pantomime Cinderella.
But now the time has come for her to leave her children at home as she travels to York, and it is harder than ever.
The mum penned a loving note to her children on Instagram, saying:
“I can’t capture the amount of love I have in my heart and how it breaks my heart that we only have 24 hours together before I go to panto.
“Mummy is sorry I have to leave you. It’s always hard to decide to leave this time of year. It’s not an easy choice to make.”
The singer opened up about the struggles that working parents face, caught between wanting to provide but missing time with their little ones.
“Work isn’t always going to be there, so like every other working mum out there, I do what I can to pave the future and provide.
“But it’s also important to me to be true to myself and do what I love...perform. It makes me a better mummy and plus this year I get to be a goodie”.
Despite how sad it is to say her temporary goodbyes, the Liberty X star is glad that she can support her children by doing what she loves.
Being a working parent is tough at times, and many fans have shown their support for Michelle by leaving encouraging comments on her post.
“I think you are inspirational and should be proud of yourself”, said one mum.
Best of luck in the panto, Michelle! And we’re sure that your kids are just as proud of their talented mum.