Each year, money is poured into fertility research, and it looks like this has led to a major scientific breakthrough this week.


According to reports, scientists in the UK have established a link between a lack of stem cells in the lining of the womb and women losing their babies through miscarriage.


The research, which is being hailed as a breakthrough, was carried out by a team of scientists at Warwick University and has sparked fresh hope for treatments for mums-to-be.


Sharing the exciting update, study leader Jan Brosens said: “We have discovered that the lining of the womb in recurrent miscarriage patients we studied is already defective before pregnancy.”



“I can envisage we will be able to correct these defects before the patient tries to achieve another pregnancy. In fact, this may be the only way to really prevent miscarriages in these cases,” he added.


Now, the team is hoping to use their findings to create treatments for women who have suffered from recurrent miscarriages.


Explaining the approach towards the next stage of research, co-author Siobhan Quenby confirmed that it would be two-fold, combining the screening of women with endometrial tests as well as using certain drugs and procedures to increase stem cell populations.


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