Adapting to life as a mum can be difficult, something mum blogger Alyssa Stokes knows all too well.


The 25-year-old suffered from postnatal depression after giving birth to her son, J, and for the first year of his life he was allergic to dairy, soya, coconut, bananas and eggs. Now nearly two, Alyssa is happy to report that J has grown out of all his allergies. 


The mum-of-one blogs about motherhood, travel, beauty and has a number of restaurant, product and book reviews up on her site as well.


Clearly very busy, we were delighted when Alyssa took the time out to let us in on her parenting secrets.


1. What is the most important thing you have learned since becoming a mum?

That sometimes having a baby doesn't turn out the way you expect it to, but it is still the most amazing thing to have a little person to love.


2. What's the most ridiculous/hilarious/unbelievable thing your child has done? 

I don't think I can name just one - the amount of times J has climbed stuff he shouldn't is amazing! I can remember being in the kitchen once, when I glanced out of the window to see that J had managed to climb up on to the tank of the motorbike and was sitting there looking quite proud of himself!


3. What's the weirdest thing you've said/done as a parent? 

There are several times I have thought to myself,  "I can't believe I just said that!" usually after I have said something like, “no, I don't think the cat wants to play with the dinosaur”


4. Name one thing you do that helps keep you sane?  

My family are a great support and I’m lucky that J has a sleepover at grandma's once a week and that definitely helps.


5. What is the best piece of advice you would give to other mums?   

Accept all offers of help, especially in the newborn days, and meet up for coffee with friends to get out of the house. 


6. If you had to choose just one thing that you absolutely love about being a mum, what would it be?  

The overwhelming feeling of love I have for J.


Don't forget to check out Mum to a Monster and follow Alyssa on Twitter and Facebook.

