Leaving her job to become a stay-at-home-mum, Lisa Savage didn’t know who or what she was anymore, so she turned to blogging. Writing about parenting issue, life with her three-year-old son Oscar and her decision to give up her job, Lisa’s blog is honest and inspirational.


We caught up with the mum-of-one to let us in on her parenting secrets and this is what she said:


1. What is the most important thing you have learned since becoming a mum?

That nothing is forever. I found the constant shift and change infuriating when Oscar was a baby, but now it’s something I’ve come to expect. All children change constantly and what means something today, will mean nothing tomorrow. It helps me to remember to cherish the moments, but also not to get hung up on the challenges. There’ll be a whole new set of challenges for me to face in three months time!


2. What's the most ridiculous/hilarious/unbelievable thing your child has done?

I think the thing that still makes people gasp is how early Oscar moved. He rolled back to front and vice versa at 16 weeks. He crawled at five-and-a-half months, could walk with a walker at eights months and unaided by ten months. My little guy has been on the go all his life!


3. What's the weirdest thing you've said/done as a parent?

When Oscar was born, he wouldn’t latch on and his blood sugar dropped dangerously low, meaning the hospital wanted him to have formula. I really didn’t want him to have formula before he’d had my milk and told the midwife so. She agreed, but only if I let her hand express my milk immediately. Sitting on a the edge of a bed being milked by a strange woman has to rank pretty high on my weird life experience list!! 



4. Name one thing you do that helps keep you sane?

Sanity - remind me what that is again! All children are little energy drains and Oscar is no exception. I realised pretty early on I was going to need time apart from him in order to cope. I have two evenings out a week to attend Slimming World and Pilates and now he’s at preschool I thoroughly cherish the few hours he’s there. But I still think the best thing I did for my sanity was to start my blog. Getting my thoughts out of my head gives me the space to think about them logically (ish!). It’s also something that’s just mine – not something I can say much about in life anymore!


5. What is the best piece of advice you would give to other mums?

That every single child is an individual, regardless of their age, gender or ability. There is nothing to be gained from using another child as a benchmark. That and always trust your instinct. When Oscar still wasn’t talking at two everyone told me not to worry and that it would come. I knew there was more to it than that so I persisted and he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder just before turning three. I could have ignored my inner voice, but she knew there was something going on and I was right to trust her. No one knows your child like you do!


6. If you had to choose just one thing that you absolutely love about being a mum, what would it be?

Oscar’s never been a clingy child, but we love our cuddles. At least once a day we have to stop and sit, sometimes under his baby blanket. He’ll put his head on my chest and we’ll just be together. In those moments I feel we say more than we ever could with words.  


Don't forget to check out Mrssavageangel and follow Lisa on Twitter and Facebook

