New mum Lynne admits that she has learned a lot ever since the birth of her first child, and uses New Mummy Blog to share her experiences with other mums who find themselves in similar situations.


Using the blog as a platform to help her remember her time as a new mum, Lynne has also managed to build up a review section that will really help others with their parenting.


MummyPages caught up with Lynne to ask her to share her parenting secrets, and this is what she said:


1. What is the most important thing you have learned since becoming a mum?

It's being a mum that matters most, more than my work. I thought I'd be much keener to go back to work, but I'm not really - I don't want to miss any of H's big moments. I've also learned that doing my best is what matters; things will go wrong, things will not go to plan, but I'll learn from it and know I've done my best.


2. What's the most ridiculous/hilarious/unbelievable thing your child has done?

When I Skype my parents, H gets incredibly excited by the ring tone. She immediately looks up and crawls over to me, watching the iPad with a huge smile on her face. When my parents answer she shrieks with delight and then attempts to grab hold of them. This usually results in us laughing away and me spending the next half hour constantly moving the iPad out of her reach as she scampers after it. She'll play peek-a-boo with them (instigating it herself by crouching down or leaning to the side), and when they do it to her she squeals when they reappear. She also tries to high five them, touch their faces and waves goodbye (usually only once they've gone). It's amazing to watch, absolutely hilarious, and makes my day. 


3. What's the weirdest thing you've said/done as a parent? 

"Where's your phone? Do you not want to phone cat? What about dog in the car? You don't have a frog so you can't phone him." 



4. Name one thing you do that helps keep you sane?

Have a glass of wine with hubby, and blog. Blogging gives me something non-baby to think about and to do for me. It helps me document our time and hopefully help others along the way. I Google everything, so I know I've read countless reviews from all sources, bloggers included, and I hope my reviews and experiences help others too. 


5. What is the best piece of advice you would give to other mums?

Take as many photos and videos as you can - babies change so quickly and develop at a ridiculous pace! I'm only ten months in, but it's hard to really remember exactly how squidgy and teeny my little baby was only a few months ago. 


6. If you had to choose just one thing that you absolutely love about being a mum, what would it be?

Cuddles from my baby. She's just started giving big, tight cuddles and they're amazing. 


Don’t forget to check out New Mummy Blog and follow Lynne on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


