Seeing your children grow up is an overwhelming experience. It all seems to happen in the blink of an eye. One day they’re running around playschool and the next day they’re walking down the aisle on their wedding day.


One mum has penned an emotional letter to her baby soon about the things she’ll miss as he grows up.


The touching letter was shared on Love What Matters. Mums. We hope you have tissues, this is an emotional one.


Casey wrote about her son’s early days, “I said goodbye to that high-pitched cry. I said goodbye to my favourite pair of newborn pyjamas. I said goodbye to that light blue pacifier that you loved until, one day, you didn’t need it.”


The mum looked back on the milestones she has shared with her son, from getting his first tooth to growing out of his newborn onesie.


The mum looked ahead to the future where she will continue to share special moments with her son.



She wrote, “One day I’ll say goodbye as you let go of my finger and take your very first step.”


As parents, we will be by our child’s side for some of the biggest moments in their lives, including their first day at school and their college graduation.


Casey vowed to support her son during these moments, no matter how hard it will be.


“I’ll say goodbye as you wave from the window of your best friend’s house on the night of your first sleepover. I’ll say goodbye as I reluctantly hand you the car keys for your first solo trip out in the world.”


She shared that there are moments during parenthood that mums will dread because saying goodbye to your children is never an easy thing to do.


It’s difficult but important to let them be their own person, even when they move out and all you want to do is call over to help them use the washing machine and make them their favourite dinner.



She wrote, “I’ll say goodbye as we unpack the boxes into your small, foreign dorm room.”


The mum wrote about one of the sweetest moments parents will experience, “I’ll say goodbye as I watch you walk her to the car; that beautiful girl that you brought over to “meet the folks.”


Casey went on to share one very emotional moment, she continued, “I’ll say goodbye as I drop you and your new bride off at the airport for your adventure around the globe.”


The end of the letter will leave you in floods of tears, so make sure you have a tissue at the ready, mums.


“And then one day… My overflowing heart will say hello as you beam proudly from the corner of a hospital delivery room. I hope he has your eyes."


Casey’s letter managed to break our hearts and put them back together again at the same time.

