There is one in every household: they won’t touch anything that’s green, fresh, or remotely adventurous.
They delight in sustenance that consists of bread, crackers – oh and yet more bread.
Enter the Fussy Eater. And they possess the power to disrupt family dinners and gatherings with one howl of disapproval or withering look of disgust.
Of course, then there are the health considerations too. As Dr Claire Farrow of the Aston Research For Child Health has previously highlighted: "It can be very challenging for families to encourage their children to eat a healthy, balanced diet as children naturally go through stages during their toddler years when they are often fussy.
“This is a normal developmental stage for children, but it can often lead to a restricted diet as children become fussier and fussier about what they will not eat."
So what’s an exasperated mum to do?
Well, thankfully there are ways to crack the Fussy Eater. Here, we show you how - and in six easy steps too...
1) Don’t forget the three Rs technique
Repetition; role modelling, and rewards: many children respond really positively to this method (in fact, it's an approach that many parents swear by).
So you regularly expose a child to the same food, illustrating how enjoyable it can be to eat. Afterwards, you reward them and heap them with praise for trying. Using this their perception of that food will change over time.
You’ve put in time and effort to make a nutritious meal – only for your child to turn their nose up at it as soon as it lands down in front of them.
It’s frustrating – incredibly so. But while resorting to shouting and threats might be tempting, it won’t work. So keep calm!
3) Consider alternative methods
The way food is presented and how it appears on the plate has a massive impact on what will be eaten – and what definitely won’t.
So while Bord Bia agrees that fish is a rich source of many of the nutrients needed for young bodies (protein, selenium, iodine, and zinc for example), it can be tough to convince small ones to tuck in.
That’s why Birds Eye Fish Fingers are a fantastic option. The original cod range is still just how we remember them from our own childhoods – complete with the famous crispy Birds Eye crumb (oh, and even Captain Birds Eye is back!).
Then there are the Birds Eye Omega 3 Fish Fingers too. They contain 100 percent Pollock fillet – something which younger children often appreciate as it has a milder flavour.
We find both varieties are perfect for lunch, light dinner or as a snack. And Fish Finger sandwiches remain a firm favourite in countless Irish households - rightly so; they're delicious!
As often as you can, eat your meals as a family at the table. Switch off the TV and any mobile devices, and focus on talking about your day, and asking your children about theirs.
This reinforces the message that mealtimes are positive, happy occasions that the whole family can look forward to.
If your valiant efforts are ultimately unsuccessful – don’t cave and whip up an alternative meal for your children. Nor should you hand over the likes of slices of toast or yoghurts within 30 minutes of lunch or dinner being rejected.
Check how many snacks they’re having throughout the day too; if they’re grazing regularly they won’t be as inclined to eat nutritious food at mealtimes.
Get as many members of the family involved in meal-prep as possible. Even simple tasks (transferring vegetables from a chopping board to a bowl, or being sent to the fridge for supplies), makes children feel involved in the process – meaning they’re more likely to tuck in afterwards too.
Fish Fingers are a great way to introduce fish in a child's diet - and generations of families have grown up eating Birds Eye Fish Fingers. Ireland’s leading brand, the Captain still only chooses the best for his table. The options are endless with fish fingers but to start you off with some snack-inspo Birds Eye have created some quick, easy and tempting ideas to create your own fish finger sandwich masterpiece, each with a unique twist.
You can find out more here.