So, recently a couple in Australia set tongues wagging when they revealed that they spend EVERY weekend without their child.


As you can imagine, this revelation caused uproar in some camps, with many feeling that leaving the kids behind for the entire weekend – EVERY weekend – was unfair.


Well, the mums at The BreakWomb wanted to take a stance on the story – but, as with all good investigative journalists – they wanted to spend a weekend in the couple’s shoes before making a judgment.


So, off Laurel, Megan and Molly went for a weekend away in Las Vegas, to get a flavour of this couple’s weekly experience – only, for them, it didn’t quite live up to expectations.


Indeed, while the mums had everything from a fancy hotel to Celine Dion tickets, they barely got to enjoy the experience – because they couldn’t stay awake!


Ladies, if there is one video that you will be able to relate to this weekend, it’s The BreakWomb team’s latest masterpiece – we actually laughed out loud!


Check out the sketch below – you’re welcome.



SHARE to give a fellow parent a good giggle today.


