Information and studies on the subject of peanut allergies have always been well-publicised, given the very serious nature of the condition, but new research has emerged that gives a completely new insight into the area.
According to a new study, eating peanut products as a baby could significantly cut the risk of developing the allergy.
Researchers from King’s College London carried out trials on 628 babies prone to developing a peanut allergy, and found that the risk was cut by over 80%.
Published in The New England Journal of Medicine this week, the study was carried out on babies aged four- to 11-months-old who were deemed at high risk of developing a peanut allergy.
The infants were randomly assigned to two groups: one to be regularly fed food that contained peanuts, and another to be denied food that contained peanuts. These feeding patterns then continued on until the children turned five years of age.
Interestingly, the study found that those children who consumed the foods that contained peanuts were much less likely to be allergic to peanuts when they turned five.
While the researchers said that the results are encouraging, they warned parents against experimenting themselves at home until further examination has been carried out.