Parties can be difficult at the best of times, but when nothing is running smoothly, it can make the event absolutely torturous.

Whether you're not in the mood, your partner in crime bailed on you or you're struggling to make conversation with people you don't know, parties can feel like the tenth circle of hell sometimes, right?

And while we've all read the top tips on how to shine at social events, these handy hints sometimes fall a little short when everything else is sliding down the swanny.

Here are 10 of the worst things that can happen when trying to get your social on.

1. You find yourself between groups

"Oh God, I'm in neither circle, NEITHER CIRCLE! What will I do?!"

2. You lose sight of your friend

"We had a five-minute deal and she's been gone 20! She's dead to me."

3. You make an awkward comment

"Oh it's your sister, not your mum? Aaaand she's dead...of course, she is."

4. You forget someone's name

"They only told me 30 seconds ago. I must have early on-set Alzheimers."

5. You get stuck in a mind-numbingly boring conversation

"Oh GOD, is he doing this on purpose?! No I don't care why you went vegan."

6. You get struck dumb

"Why cannot I not think of ONE SINGLE THING to say! So eh, do you like...parties?"

7. Your new friend ditches you

"I thought we had a connection! Did you not think we had a connection?!"

8. You spill something

And despite the fact the host says otherwise, it's definitely NOT OK.

9. You get too drunk

"And another thing! These curtains?! EHHHHH NOOOOO!"

10. You insult someone

"Oh the boring vegan is your husband? Well, isn't that a hoot?!"

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