Our top tips to help you care for your child when they catch chickenpox

Back-to-school season is almost upon us, which means that, amongst other things, we’re preparing to have a new round of viruses to land on our doorstep.

One such virus is chickenpox, which generally tends to flare up again once our children are back at school and are mixing together. 

Thankfully, it is extremely rare to catch chickenpox more than once in your lifetime. However, having it once is definitely enough!

The virus is most common amongst young children, which can make things even more difficult as they can’t understand why they are not allowed to scratch the itchy spots on their skin. 

If your child has yet to receive chickenpox from their peers and you’re worried about how they will react to it, then we’re here to help! We’ve come up with a list of our top tips that every parent should know when the dreaded virus comes knocking:

1. Firstly, it is key to remember that chickenpox is highly contagious, and can be dangerous to adults who never encountered it in their childhood. So, if you suspect that your little one has caught the virus, keep them off school and separate them from any of your loved ones who have never had chickenpox. The main goal is to keep everyone as safe as possible!

2. The average length of time it takes for chickenpox to clear is between four to seven days. During that time, you want to make sure that your child is as comfortable as they can possibly be, given the circumstances. Dress them in loose and comfortable clothing each day, to avoid their skin from becoming more irritated. Also, it might be a good idea to keep the temperature of your house on the cooler side, as heat can only irritate chickenpox further.

3. One of the most recommended tips for chickenpox parents is to give your child regular baths with oats. Oats have anti-inflammatory properties, meaning that they are the perfect (and natural) ingredient to help soothe your little one’s irritated skin. Fill your bathtub with lukewarm water, as hot water will only irritate further. Add around 130g of oats to the water and mix the two together. Once your child is in the bath, get them to soak in the water for 10 to 15 minutes, before gently patting them dry.

4. Of course, young children don’t understand that they should avoid scratching their spots - but how can you stop them from doing so? Well, one such way to prevent scarring or infection is to cut your child’s nails short. You can also get them to wear gloves at nighttime, so that they won’t accidentally do any damage while they sleep.

5. Just like any other illness, it’s important to take all of the precautions that you would usually do with other viruses. Ensure that your little one is getting lots of rest, encourage them to drink more water, and ask your local pharmacist for any helpful creams and medications that you can get to make things that little bit easier.

6. With your child being off school and unable to see their friends for a few days, it’s crucial that you keep them entertained - and distracted from scratching, too. Make a list of some of their favourite activities to do at home - whether it be watching a comfort film, colouring in or playing with their toys, keeping them busy is the best way to help them through this tricky time.

7. Lastly, it’s important to note that you need to pay close attention to the development of your child’s chickenpox. Most children will find that their virus is nothing to be too concerned about, but sometimes, it can develop more intensely. If you become worried about your child’s health, keep in touch with your local doctor and seek professional advice.

