We’ve heard of the phrase ‘they grow up so fast’, but this really takes it to the next level!
New mum Jaklina Bailey of Branson, Missouri, was in for a big surprise when she welcomed a baby girl on December 28th, to find that her tiny tot was already sporting two lower front teeth.
Doctors at the Mercy Hospital in Springfield were shocked when they discovered little Alyssa Bella Bailey’s condition, which is commonly referred to as “natal teeth”.
Jaklina told KOLR-TV: “Right when she first arrived, everyone was shocked. They said, ‘she has two front teeth?’ It was just the big talk in the delivery room.”
Natal teeth is a rare condition which reportedly occurs once in every 2,000 to 3,000 births.
Delighted mum Jaklina added: “[The doctor] said in her 25 –year career this is the second time she’s ever seen it. We had two other doctors that came in just to look, and nurses, they were just like, ‘let me see, let me see.’”
Little Alyssa, who has become something of a celebrity since reports of her birth broke, is described as being “a healthy, beautiful little girl”.