Sleep deprivation comes part and parcel with motherhood, but a night tending to an infant can make you do the strangest of things – like going out wearing odd shoes.


We asked our mums if they had done anything odd after little sleep, and the response was so huge that we had great difficulty choosing the best ones. In fact, this is our funniest things mums have done when sleep deprivation part two!


1. Christina: “My son arrived home highly disgusted from school. He asked me why I'd put a dishwasher tablet in his lunchbox?! And yes your right, the banana was in the dishwasher!”


2. Oonagh: “Spent a day last week wearing two bras and only realised when I was getting ready for bed. Mummy problems”


3. Yvonne, Cork:  “My son has autism and doesn't sleep much. I am a zombie. I put fabric softener in his cereal one morning and have gotten my other two up and dressed for school on a Sunday – twice.”


4. Jane: “Ran around Smyths looking desperately for my phone and when my friend asked me was I ok and I said I couldn't find my phone. I was a little put out when she reminded me I had it to my ear talking to her!”



5. Nicola: “Borrowed my sister-in-laws laptop the other day and spent 10 minutes trying to open it. I even rang her to ask her how the bloody thing opened only to realise that I was trying to open it at the wrong end.”


6. Janice, Dublin: “After boiling kettle for bottle, I put the kettle in the fridge!”


7. Briony, Kent: “I thought I'd left my baby in Boots, forgot daddy had taken him! I had a momentary meltdown and the people in the queue and the sales assistants thought it was hilarious - glad they pointed out hubby had him!”


8. Jenna: “I took my little one to a baby massage class and left my front door wide open. Not great as I'd left the dog inside and we lived on a busy road at the time. Luckily a friend drove past and closed it for me then turned up at the class to tell me what I'd done! She was petrified that we'd been burgled! So embarrassed- but thankful!”



9. Sharon: “Reported my debit card missing at my local bank. The assistant asked for ID and asked if I had another account. I was so tired that I handed the lady my debit card (obviously not lost). The cue behind me was chuckling as I walked out rather embarrassed and a darker shade of pink in the face.”


10. Stephanie: “I tried to put the cornflakes in the fridge. My son asked, ‘what you doing Mummy?!’”


