Balancing school runs, making dinners, going to meetings and driving to numerous afterschool activities means mums are on the go all the time. This can play havoc on energy levels, especially as most don’t stop until their little one is tucked up in bed asleep.
Working with low energy means mothers are not able to work to the best of their ability often leaving them frustrated and even more tired. 
Taking a multivitamin tablet can be a great way to sustain levels but it’s important to choose one that will help with hectic schedules. Pharmaton Active Life capsules are designed to help gradually build and sustain energy and can be used for daily on-going use. Each easy-to-swallow tablet contains B6 and B12, iron, calcium and ginseng and can be taken after breakfast.
With lasting energy mums will be able to perform tasks to the best of their ability. 

