Discussion surrounding the merits of breastfeeding over bottlefeeding is an issue which isn't likely to disappear any time soon, and with high-profile figures like Adele and Jamie Oliver weighing in, it will continue to be a topic which ignites considerable debate.

In an effort to remind the public that images which depict bottlefeeding can be just as beautiful as those which capture a moment of breastfeeding, one exceedingly talented photographer named Nikke Whitman decided to capture moments shared between mothers and their infants during a bottlefeeding session.

Explaining why she chose to document these moments on her blog, she told the Huffington Post: "I thought to myself, 'I celebrate nursing and bonding in imagery, why don't I celebrate bottle feeding and bonding in imagery?"

"My inspiration came from a mixture of things: my own experiences, the heartache I had seen in friends over the years who had complications breastfeeding and were broken-hearted over not being able to nurse, and friends who have felt or experienced judgment first-hand when using a bottle."

Having both breastfed and bottlefed her own children, Nikke sought to remind the public that neither one promotes more bonding than the other, saying: "I wanted to share these photos to show that bonding doesn't only happen at the breast. While I support breastfeeding, I also wanted to show that I support bottle feeding as well."

Like most mothers, Nikke is aware that an inordinate amount of pressure is placed on a woman the moment she gives birth - something which she seeks to remove through the images she captures and shares online.

"My hope was to encourage mothers who have felt guilt or shame over bottle feeding to lose that and encourage mamas to support one another and to keep doing what is best for their babies," she explained as she reflected on her stunning collection of photographs.

In words which are bound to resonate with anyone who has grown tired of the public debate, Nikke emphasised what should be considered the heart of the matter, saying: "What matters is that we encourage our babies to thrive and provide them with the tools to do that as we can."

We couldn't agree more.



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