Air pollution has risen to become a major global problem.


Although some of the world has banded together to tackle the issue, air pollution is still responsible for one in nine deaths every year.


We are encouraged to take daily measures to cut back on our effect on the environment by taking public transport, using an electric car, carpooling, biking, or walking.


And when us mums do catch the bus or go for a walk, one can expect to see us pushing the tram that we hold dear to our hearts as one of the best inventions for parents ever created.


It gives us the ability to take our little ones around with free hands and provides them with that cradling comfort they seek of an enclosed space in a crowded area.



However, a new study has just revealed that carrying children in prams may actually be harmful for their health.


In fact, a child in a pram is exposed to 60% more air pollution than the parent pushing him along.


The reason for this increased exposure is twofold: they are closer to the ground where exhaust pipes exhibit fumes and they are more at risk as their bodies are still developing.


The average pram sits babies one meter above road level, where pollution concentrations are usually the highest.


The study measured this concentration with prams of all different heights and sizes, and they found the same result with all of them.



The height from the ground, breezes blowing by, and wind turbulence from passing traffic whisked pollutants directly into the babies’ lungs as they breathed in and out.


This is an alarming revelation as traffic-related pollution has been linked to increase the risk of asthma in kids.


Pollution can have many harmful effects, including damage to vital organs. It has even been linked to autism.


To avoid the pollution hot spot, study’s authors suggest parents should avoid busy roads and always use a pram cover.


Researchers continue to urge people everywhere to make more eco-friendly decisions in their daily lives.

