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Helping your one year old to adjust to a new sibling around will depend largely on his or her personality. easy going children are likely to adjust to the change far quicker than those who are highly strung or very sensitive. you may find that your...
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Postnatal Bleeding
postnatal bleeding postnatal bleeding and what you should know every new mum bleeds after having a baby, whether it's a vaginal birth or a caesarean section. this bleeding is called lochia and...
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Umbilical cord care – a ‘how to’ guide once your baby arrives, the cord is cut and clamped off. the stump left behind does not cause your baby any pain. as you are advised to try to keep the cord dry, your baby cannot take a bath...
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Breastfeeding and the baby blues
breastfeeding and the baby blues breastfeeding bonding can help overcome the baby blues postpartum depression in a mild form is also known as the baby blues which happens due to the emotional and...
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Avoiding post-partum depression is born. this is especially true if you have a c-section. arrange for people in your support system to help out with the chores. have someone go grocery shopping for you and stock up on frozen...
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Buying guide: Safety
buying guide: safety there are plenty of products on the market designed for baby and toddler safety, and it’s worth investing in them as your child grows. keeping a baby or a toddler safe is a...
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How do I get my baby to sleep through the night?
how do i get my baby to sleep through the night? how do i get my baby to sleep through the night? newborn infants will need feeding often in the early weeks and over time they will settle into a...
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How much will baby's first year cost?
how much will baby's first year cost? while you can be sure your baby to be will be worth every penny, the reality is the joy of becoming a parent can be expensive... while you can be sure your baby...
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How can I soothe my colicky baby?
how can i soothe my colicky baby? the persistent nature of colic means that there are likely to be times when your baby cries, whatever you do. the persistent nature of colic means that there are...
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Why is my breastfed baby fussy in the evenings?
why is my breastfed baby fussy in the evenings? babies can often be fussy in the evenings and you may find it difficult to nurse or settle them. many babies have a regular fussy period which usually...
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How can dad bond with baby?
how can dad bond with baby? fathers sometimes struggle to bond with babies as the mum is primary care giver. dads feel that they have a very limited role in childcare – especially when the baby...
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I never had trouble sleeping until I became a parent. What can I do? chances are, even when you were single, and before you were a parent, you weren’t sure about good sleep basics, but it’s much more evident when you’re sleep deprived. here are...
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Is it normal to feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for my new baby?
is it normal to feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for my new baby? the simple answer is yes. the stress and fatigue caused by your body's recovery from childbirth and your new schedule...
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How can my two older children help with the new baby?
how can my two older children help with the new baby? while you may want your older children to be involved in caring for your new baby, it’s not always the best idea. there are other options...
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I'm not happy with the way I look since my baby arrived. What can I do?
i'm not happy with the way i look since my baby arrived. what can i do? the weeks and months after having a baby can be challenging to new mums who struggle to come to terms with the changes in their...
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What kind of fun facts can I teach my 2 year old? is connected to the mommy before being born. • the teeth that you are getting now will fall out so that bigger grown-up teeth can grow in. • if you stay in the bath for too long, you...
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Which are the best games to play with a nine month old? plastic containers and other safe items to play with, or invest in large, easy to stack blocks. to encourage cruising and walking, you could try placing a favourite toy or some other child safe...
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How can I make my baby shower extra memorable?
how can i make my baby shower extra memorable? baby showers are what you want them to be! use one or two of these baby shower ideas to make yours a memorable occasion. baby showers used to follow a...
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I've been invited to a baby shower, but I have no idea what gift to buy. What do you suggest?
i've been invited to a baby shower, but i have no idea what gift to buy. what do you suggest? buying gifts for a baby shower is fun, but can be a little daunting! deciding what to buy for a mum to be...
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What items are absolutely necessary for a baby?
what items are absolutely necessary for a baby? there are many products available to help make your life easier when looking after your baby; some items are must-haves, while others are more of a...
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