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Your search on baby bath has produced the following results on MummyPages:
How to correct common fake tan mishaps oil. it should remove a layer of tan from your skin, making you look a lot more natural. dark patches your elbow and knees soak up a lot more tan than other areas on your body. to correct these...
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5 items you don’t need to buy for baby
5 items you don’t need to buy for baby finding out you are pregnant is truly an exciting time and, as your prepare for the arrival, you will no doubt spend a fortune on baby items that you...
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Expert tips to help your baby sleep soundly
expert tips to help your baby sleep soundly we know how precious sleep is to our superhero mums and we also know that mum can’t sleep unless her little one is away in dreamland. sleep expert jo...
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Tips to survive the last month of pregnancy
tips to survive the last month of pregnancy the last month of your pregnancy can feel like the longest and is often an uncomfortable time as you wait for your baby to arrive. you are also bound to...
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Baby's first week essentials
baby's first week essentials when you come home from the hospital with your new baby it can seem surreal. you’re exhausted, probably in some discomfort but still on cloud nine. to ensure the...
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How to help your baby adjust to the clocks going forward
how to help your baby adjust to the clocks going forward the clocks will be springing forward an hour this sunday, 30th march. which is also mother’s day incidentally. this means a couple of...
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What to do if your toddler is scared of baths section of the pool she may get over her bath time fear. make bath time fun. lots of bubbles, bath toys, colours etc. hopefully within time this fear will pass and your toddler will be back to...
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Tips for dealing with colic
tips for dealing with colic a baby with colic can be a stressful and worrisome thing for any parent. colicky babies can cry for short periods of time or for hours on end meaning it can be very...
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Baby-proofing your home
baby-proofing your home you may think you don’t need to worry about baby-proofing your home until your baby is mobile. however, it is better to start as early as possible, even in pregnancy, and...
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Expert tips for treating and preventing nappy rash it can range from mild irritation to a painful infection and affects most babies at some point between the ages of 6-12 months. your little one’s skin is delicate and sensitive and since...
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How is colic best treated? sit your baby upright during a feeding as this will help prevent him from swallowing air. give your baby natural medications which uses caraway oil to soothe baby’s tummy and allows the...
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Look gorgeous this summer with these 4 products soft skin, its time to think about adding some moisture and glow. we love dove summer glow, for fair to medium skin. it is an all-in-one moisturiser and self-tan lotion. apply all over after your...
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Tips for recovery after childbirth and adjust to your new lifestyle. continue to eat a wholesome diet providing all the essential nutrients to help speed up the healing process. water therapy is thought to help – ice packs...
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Dr David Atherton of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital talks to MummyPages has eczema and the first time they have egg, they vomit and/or experience facial swelling. this is an entirely different reaction and is not the cause of eczema but rather a complication which...
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Clever Clogs: top gifts for Christmas bibs from just €8.25. these gorgeous bibs will look great at the dinner table this christmas and will make for a lovely small gift. find out more at stocking fillers for...
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Things to do with your baby
things to do with your baby here are a few suggestions on things you can do with your baby outside of the house when you have your first baby, the thought of getting out of the house seems impossible...
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Postpartum back pain
postpartum back pain postpartum back pain is quite common in new mums and there are numerous causes for it. luckily, in most cases, it is easy to treat. just because your baby has arrived, that does...
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Top tips for dads on bonding with your baby
top tips for dads on bonding with your baby mothers have a naturally close relationship with their newborns, and while fathers may want to become closer too, they suffer from being shy about it. dads...
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Postpartum depression blues’. this only lasts about two weeks and is only usually felt during the very early stages of motherhood. if your emotional vulnerability and depression lasts longer than two weeks, you...
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Helping your one year old to adjust to a new sibling around will depend largely on his or her personality. easy going children are likely to adjust to the change far quicker than those who are highly strung or very sensitive. you may find that your...
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