There is nothing quite like staying in a beautiful hotel knowing that you will spend the next few days relaxing. However, when you bring kids, the experience is a whole lot different.
To help you stay sane on your trip, here are a few suggestions:
Baby proof
Depending on the age of the child you might need to baby proof. This means bringing plug covers, corner covers and door stoppers. While it might seem like an awful lot of hassle to do on your first day there, at least you will be able to relax knowing that the room is safe and your little one can’t get hurt.
Lay out the clothes
Before kids you might not have minded living out of your suitcase for a couple of days; however, you can’t do this with little ones around. Set up bedroom areas with clothes, pyjamas, teddies etc, have their bath stuff in the bathroom and ensure nappies, toys and snacks all have a designated spot that is easily accessible. This will save you a ton of time and hassle in the long run.
Show your kids the room
Let your little ones go exploring - they are just as excited as you are. Do the same with babies who might feel a little uncomfortable with new surroundings. Showing them around might help to settle any fears.
Have rules
Make sure kids know not to go on the balcony if there is one and to steer clear of the mini bar. Curiosity can overcome common sense so keep reminding them.
Avoid staying in the room too long
Nobody likes to be cramped in a hotel room for long periods of time, especially kids. Make sure your schedule doesn’t require you to be in the room for ages as your kids will get restless and you are bound to become frustrated.

