You asked

Should I let my baby cry it out?

Whether you should let your baby cry it our or not is a family decision.  There are experts on both sides of the cry it out issue.  Whatever you decide is best for your family, it is important to stick with it and know that your baby will not learn to sleep through the night or put themselves back to sleep without ever shedding a tear.  Somewhere along the way, you have to realize they will cry or scream.  However, know that babies are developmentally not ready to sleep all night and self soothe until around four months of age. 

A good and effective solution is to let your baby cry, but not for too long.  Try putting them to down and then setting a time limit.  Make it short at first, say three minutes.  If your baby is still crying after that time, go in the room and soothe them and let them know you are there, but don’t pick them up.  After that time, extend the time to five minutes before you go in, again, don’t pick them up.  Keep extending the time it takes before you go in and check.  Your baby will learn that you are there, but that you don’t come right away when they cry.  They will eventually go to sleep; you just have to stick with it. 

Be sure to implement a consistent bed time routine that you use every night.  This will help as well.

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