We all have experienced the feeling of being stressed. In fact, most of us experience it on a day-to-day basis. Whether we realise it or not, that is another thing altogether.

You wake up late, the kids won’t eat their breakfast or won’t get dressed, the car won’t start, they are late for school, you are late for work! Aghhhhh! Our body is producing cortisol (our major stress hormone) at a rate of knots, we freak out, our heart rate increases, and we can feel the vain in our head throbbing, worrying about the situation and how to deal with it.

When approaching stress, it's important to realise the following:
  1. We don’t all get stressed out by the same things.
  2. We all have varying tolerance levels for dealing with it, i.e., how much we can tolerate before we get stressed.
  3. We all process stress differently, i.e., positive and negative responses.
  4. Stress isn’t always negative, there is also positive stress.
  5. There is chronic (long-term) and acute (short-term) stress; the former, you need to be conscious of,
Effects of stress:
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Increased chance of stroke
  • Increase chance of heart attack
  • Increased fat storage around the stomach
  • Strain on relationships
What we can do about it!
Stress profile and identify
Figure out what triggers your stress, and implement preventative strategies to reduce it, i.e., if you know you have a stressful work day coming up, be prepared, get there early, use breathing techniques, and reduce external factors you can control as much as possible.
When you know your tolerance level for stress, you can then understand and know when to pull yourself out of a situation, or deal with it appropriately
Stress relievers
  • Meditation – yoga/breathing techniques
  • Socialising – meet friends and talk
  • Comedy – laugh, joke, get to a comedy show
  • Exercise – exercise at any intensity will help relieve stress. Make sure it’s something you enjoy.
  • Nutrition – clean eating will give you more energy and more mental clarity to help you deal stressful situations more efficiently.
  • Journaling – write down that’s bothering you, and three things that you are grateful for. Your brain can’t process anxiety and gratefulness together. Try it!
  • Hobbies – whatever floats your boat and allows you to switch off and pass the time.
Health & Fitness Expert

