If you're one of those people who finds themselves fretting over Facebook friendships or pondering potential pitfalls with your pals, then this new app might be exactly what you're looking for...or, alternatively, could be the most stressful thing you ever install.

Who Deleted Me, which is available as an Android app as well as a plug-in for Chrome and Firefox browsers, has been created to placate or dismay - depending on which way you look at things - anyone who has ever spent time wondering if they've been un-friended on Facebook.

There is, however, a catch as this particular app only works to provide the names of those who have deleted you from their social media world after the app has been installed.

This detail means that if you've been wondering about a certain person for the last two years, the app won't be able to tell you whether you were officially dropped from their friendship list, but will keep you on track with regards all future friendship concerns.

Further to this, Who Deleted Me will tell you when online friends have been 'last seen' on Facebook meaning if you're holding out for a response from a certain someone and have yet to get it, there's a big chance you're being blanked.

If the world of online friendship wasn't stressful enough already...

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