The importance of Vitamin D for your baby
Bringing home your new born baby is an exciting time but it can also be very overwhelming. It is a totally new experience. It is important to look after yourself, eat well, sleep when you can and spend the time really getting to know your bundle of joy. As a new parent trust your instincts.
Don’t forget to take all the help that is offered, no matter how big or small, and don’t feel under pressure to do things you aren’t ready to. Things like visiting or just going out for a walk with baby on your own – even the most simple task can be daunting, so only do it when you’re ready.
One of the things that’s really important for your new baby, is Vitamin D, especially in your child’s first year.
Vitamin D helps us to build and maintain strong bones and teeth. Our bodies can make vitamin D from the sun, but babies cannot safely get the Vitamin D they need from the sun. Your baby needs Vitamin D because:
  • their skin is very sensitive to the sun and should not be in direct sunlight
  • their food (breastmilk or solid foods) may not have enough Vitamin D in it
  • between 0 to 12 months babies grow very quickly and have a greater need for Vitamin D to form strong bones
Research shows that Vitamin D also plays an important role in helping the immune system.
The HSE recommends all breastfed babies and babies who take less than 300ml of infant formula a day are given a daily supplement of 200IU (5 micrograms) of Vitamin D. 
Since October 2020, they are also recommending all children aged 1-4 receive a daily supplement of 200IU (5 micrograms) between Halloween (31st October) and St. Patrick’s Day (17th March). Liquid supplements are preferred as there is a choking risk associated with chewables and tablet-type supplements.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and so is best absorbed in liquid form. This is also the safest and easiest way to give Vitamin D to toddlers. Daily dosage is 5ug daily.
BabyD is a brilliant supplement specifically for baby. It’s easy to use and has a convenient dosing syringe which is hugely helpful for mum and dad when administering. All you have to do is give a measure daily into baby’s mouth.
Toddler D is also designed specifically for toddlers. The oral spray has a toothkind formulation and is free from sugars and sweeteners, it is just flavoured with natural orange oil. Both BabyD and ToddlerD are free from allergens giving you peace of mind in the early days, when your child’s allergies may be unknown..
And don’t forget the Vitamin D for parents too. A lack of Vitamin D in adults can lead to poor immune response, fatigue, tiredness, muscle pain and low mood. DailyD is another great supplement available at McCauley’s pharmacy.
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The new FamilyD Vitamin D Range is available at McCauley's Pharmacy

