The most amount of students ever, over fourteen thousand, sat the Higher Level Maths exam for their Leaving Cert last June, and today’s results show they made the right decision.
96% of students got at least a D grade, which means they will be awarded 25 bonus points for taking the higher-level paper. 10% got an A grade and 72.6% of students got either an A, B, or C – which is on par with results from last year. Only 4% failed the paper.
The subject with the most amount of As was Russian, which is an non-curriculum subject. As for subjects that are on the curriculum, Applied Maths got the most As.
Unfortunately the highest failure rate was in Physics and Chemistry.
76% of students got an A, B or C grade in English at all levels, and 88.8% of students got an A, B or C in Higher Level Irish. 74.9% received and A, B or C in lower level.
In Ordinary Level Maths, 66% of students got an A, B or C.
Some of the top grades include one student who received nine A1s, 12 others who received eight A1s, and 37 who got seven A1s.
Congratulations to everyone who got their results today – no matter what you got, you achieved a lot and should be very proud.