Having a baby changes your life in every way, and many mums can struggle with the effects that carrying a child for nine months can have on their body. So when a woman learns to love herself for exactly who she is, the last thing she needs is criticism.


Unfortunately, for mum Lexi Sinclair, this was not the case when she recently brought her four-month-old son Christian to the local swimming pool.


In a heart-wrenching Facebook post, Lexi recalled how a woman in her fifties approached her and began asking about Christian. It wasn’t long, however, before the seemingly pleasant conversation took a nasty turn.



“She then proceeded to tell me that men at the pool would feel more comfortable if I was in a one-piece swimsuit, because a bikini isn’t appropriate for a mother, especially one who’s ‘still recovering’,” she said.


Naturally raging over the comment, Lexi decided to take the high road and explained how and why she was proud of her body.


She told the insensitive stranger: “I’ve grown a human and given birth to a beautiful miracle. My body provided food for my child. So, no, my body might not be the best sight for other men to see. My stretch marks and tummy pudge might not be sexy. But they’re proof that I’ve done something amazing.”



Lexi’s post came in for high praise among the Facebook community, eventually going viral.


“I love this!” wrote one follower, adding, “Any woman/ mother should have the confidence to wear whatever they want! And you look great!”


We couldn’t agree more.


SHARE to inspire a fellow new mum this weekend.


