Isn’t motherhood SO much easier when we’re all accepting and supportive of one another? Karen Johnson certainly thinks so, and she wants to open others’ minds on the subject.


Karen, who is a mum-of-three, blogs at The 21st Century Stay-At-Home Mum. Sick of the judgement she comes across on a daily basis, she took to her official Facebook page to ‘get something off her chest’.


She posted a photo of herself carrying a net of different coloured popsicles, using the image as a symbol for her argument: no one mother is better than another.


Karen’s house is never clean, yet she knows plenty of fellow mums whose houses are ‘spotless’ – does that make them better mothers than her? Of course not!


And it works the other way, too, as she writes: “I work out every day. I have mum friends who don’t exercise. Does that make either of us a better mum? Nope!



“I have a friend who gave birth in a pool in her living room. I pushed mine out in a hospital bed after receiving a gift from the epidural fairy. Both of us are good mums.”


The argument is the very same for drinking an occasional beer versus passing up that glass of wine; giving the kids organic food versus treating them with popsicles; and volunteering to help out at school versus staying away from parent committees.


These kinds of situations, and each mum’s individual choice, doesn’t make them ‘better’ than anyone else.


Karen sums this up perfectly as she writes: “Are stay-at-home mums better than working mums? NO.


“Are working mums better than stay-at-home mums? NO.


“Are married mums better than single mums? NO.



“Are you a better mum if you take your kids on exotic vacations? NO.


“Can you be a good mum if the closest thing you get to a vacation is the park? YES.”


What matters is, doing the very best you can for your child, and loving them unconditionally; and by supporting our fellow parents in this pursuit, we can all benefit.


“Can we all climb down off Judgmental Mountain for a second? And just support one another?” asked Karen, in a bid to rally her fellow mums.


“And just say, ‘Hey, motherhood is hard. You’re doing a good job. Raising kids can knock the wind out of a person. You got this.’ How awesome would that be? Just a thought.”


We couldn’t have put it better ourselves, Karen.

