Trouble sleeping? Here’s 5 tips for a better night’s sleep with the help of Rescue Night

Getting a good night’s sleep is so important for your overall health and well-being. Not being able to get an enjoyable night’s sleep once you’re tucked up in bed is not a good feeling, and if you’re experiencing this time and time again, you’ll be left feeling groggy, exhausted and not like yourself.


If we’re not getting a good night’s sleep, our bodies don’t have enough time to rejuvenate after a long day. This can have a negative impact on our cognitive function, mental health and physical performance. Sleep should also be uninterrupted in order for our bodies to feel fully rested, with adults needing roughly 7-9 hours each night.

So, if you’ve been struggling to have a good night of uninterrupted sleep, we’re here to help. Check out our top sleep tips below, brought to you by Rescue Night.

Sleep schedule

Try to create a bedtime routine every night to keep your sleep schedule on track. Make a wind-down routine where you do calming activities before you head to bed. Doing your skincare, reading, meditating and going to sleep at the same time every night can help to regulate your sleep and get your body used to a proper schedule so you can fall asleep easier.

Limit screen time

Avoid spending time staring at a screen before going to bed. The blue light of your phone screen or laptop can interfere with your sleep, making it difficult to drift off when you’re feeling tired. Although it can be hard to put your phone down when you're scrolling on social media in bed, try reading a book or journaling before heading to sleep.

Get moving

Make sure to exercise and get your body moving every day. Getting outside in the fresh air for exercise is a great way to tire your body out and help you fall asleep faster. You’ll get a peaceful night’s sleep once your head hits the pillow after moving your body, whether it be through running, Zumba, yoga, or weightlifting- the options are endless so you can find what works best for you!

Limit naps

Try and limit the length of naps you take during the day. A short power nap can help to re-energise you, but a longer nap can negatively affect your ability to fall asleep once you go to bed. If you do feel like you need to take a quick nap, try to limit it to around 20 minutes, earlier in the day. Anything longer than this can have a lasting negative impact when you try to fall asleep at night.

Try natural remedies

Sometimes we need a bit of extra help when trying to reach the land of nod in order to ensure we wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day. Natural remedies are a great addition to add to your bedtime routine, and Rescue Night is the perfect solution to help you get a natural night’s sleep.

Rescue Night works to help switch your mind off and brings you a sense of calmness when you’re struggling to sleep. It is made up of a selection of flower essences and White Chestnut. These ingredients help to bring comfort during hectic moments and help a busy mind to switch off from any distractions or unwanted repetitive thoughts. There are no sedatives or side effects, so you won't be left feeling groggy when you wake up the next morning, instead you'll be ready to kick-start your day after a peaceful sleep.

Rescue Night is available as an easy-to-take dropper, quick spray, simple liquid melts and now also in a soft gummy format. This means there are many ways to take this natural remedy, which helps you to wind down and makes it easier to drift off and have a good night’s sleep, so you can find a way that suits you.

The Rescue Night dropper can easily be dropped onto your tongue or into a drink before bedtime, while the spray is super quick to use right before you catch some Z's. The liquid melts work by dissolving on your tongue to enable you to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts before you fall asleep. The new gummies are a delicious raspberry flavour and are vegan while also having no artificial colours or preservatives.



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