The HSE has confirmed a mumps outbreak in Galway. They have urged parents to be extremely vigilant after numerous children started to show symptoms.
The HSE has encouraged the public to ensure if they’re up to date with their vaccinations. You should have received two doses of the MMR vaccine.
Parents have been advised to educate themselves about the symptoms. Being aware of the signs is the best way to catch the mumps.
It has been recommended that children with any symptoms should be kept out of school for a minimum of five days.
The most noticeable symptom is swelling and soreness in the area below the ear at the back of the lower jaw. The swelling can be present on one or both sides.
A child with mumps will also have many flu-like symptoms; a fever, sore throat, headache, earaches, fatigue, and loss of appetite.
If you think there is a possibility that your child has mumps, contact your physician. There is no medication to treat mumps but you can comfort your child and try to ease the symptoms in much the same way as you would with the common cold.