Sore throats can cause your child a lot of discomfort and make being ill even worse. Here are a few ways you can ease your child's pain:
Cold drinks: Many children are reluctant to eat or drink when they have a sore throat, but this can lead to dehydration. To reduce the risk of dehydration and to numb and lubricate the throat, offer your child cold liquids. Homemade ice pops made from fruit and juice will also help.
Lozenges: Throat lozenges are available to relieve dryness or pain caused by a sore throat for older children who are not at risk for choking.
Honey and Lemon:  This warm beverage is suitable for toddlers and older children with sore throats. Dissolve a spoon of honey in a cup of boiling water and squeeze in lemon to taste. Allow to cool before giving it to your child.
Medicine: Throat pain can be treated with age-appropriate pain-relieving medication containing ibuprofen. Make sure you follow the guidelines. Note that aspirin is not recommended for children due to the risk of Reye syndrome.

