Ladies, our prayers have been answered.

In a move which will majorly revolutionise our messaging experience (and let's face it, lower our blood pressure), WhatsApp are currently developing a feature which will allow us to revoke, recall or edit our messages AFTER they've been sent.


So if you've ever sent a message by accident or seriously regretted its tone after pressing send, the good folk behind the service are now giving us the opportunity to turn back time and pretend it never even happened.

That's right ladies, in much the same way you are given the option to copy or forward a message by pressing down on the screen, you will soon be offered the option to edit, recall or revoke.

And frankly, we are reeling with relief and excitement.


The feature, which will only work if the recipient hasn't read the message, is currently being trialled on iPhone beta software, and users who have access to the early beta release have explained that the function must be enabled by users as it will not automatically appear as a feature.

And if you're an Android user? Well, reports have yet to be confirmed whether you guys will have access to the new feature, but fingers crossed!



