Being a mum is tough in anyone's language.

It was difficult fifty years ago and it will be difficult fifty years from now, but there are a few things that mums today have to tackle which mums in the 80s wouldn't have even dreamed of.

Overcoming these obstacles is a never-ending battle and, we'll be honest, we think we deserve medals for doing it with smiles on our faces.

Here are just ten reasons why being a mum in the 80s was a little bit easier.

1. You only lost your child’s attention to a passing Frisbee.

Now their eyes slowly start glazing over and their hand begins reaching for the iPad within five seconds.

2. You were an authority on EVERYTHING.

Now Google is.

3. You knew best.

Now Mark Zuckerberg does.

4. Your child thought you had the happiest family in the world.

Other people’s Facebook photo albums now reveal the truth on that front.

5. Your hairdo which was much more of a hair don’t remained a family secret.

Photos of your ill-advised perm can now be splashed all over Instagram by a vengeful, sulking teen at a moment’s notice.

6. The only unwelcome guest at Sunday dinner was the family dog begging for scraps.

The unwelcome electronic guests now outnumber the family members at the dinner table.

7. You were the best mum in the world if you brought your brood on a trip to the cinema.

Your cinema suggestion now pales in comparison to a Netflix marathon.

8. Getting your child to play outside involved throwing a ball out the front door and waiting for them to follow it.

Now you have to unplug every device in the house if you want your brood to see daylight.

9. Pass the Parcel involved whistles, yo-yos and joyful faces.

Today's Pass the Parcel involves gift vouchers, personalised toys and disappointed faces.

10. Trying to keep up with your child's lingo didn't necessitate a crash course in hashtags.

YOLO, anyone?

