Social media would have you believe weddings that are all about romantic declarations, tearful exchanges and creative flash mobs, but there is, as well know, a lot more to the ceremony than that!

Reciting vows and exchanges rings is a couple's promise to remain faithful to each other come what may, and if this recent news story is anything to go by, some people really like to hammer that point home!

Deciding to have a little fun with her husband-to-be, one woman from Michigan went on a little engraving extravaganza and requested that an equally-mischievous jeweller help her to remind her partner of the importance of the ceremony.

In one truly hilarious move, the lady in question inscribed her partner's wedding ring with four simple words should he ever need a nudge in the right direction, choosing: "Put it back on."

With more than 778,000 views on Reddit, it's no surprise that the image has divided opinion somewhat, with some internet users delighting in the move and others questioning the motive behind it.

Commenting on the interest the image of the ring has amassed online, the lady's husband remarked: "Some people are commenting that she must be insecure or something, but it’s quite the opposite. People tell us we have the best marriage they’ve ever seen,"

Well, we think it's hilarious!



