Any mum out there will know that trying to get yourself, your baby and the rest of the family on their way in the morning is one of the biggest trials of parenthood; a struggle that has been captured wonderfully by this hilarious mum.


YouTuber Sarah Penna speaks for all working mums as she presents the reality of what it is like to get through your ‘morning routine’ while looking after your little one.



There are certain scenes in this hilarious parody video that each and every one of you will relate to, from the image of Sarah trying to put on her deodorant while holding her child to picking out an outfit while the little mite is trying to tear every item she owns from her wardrobe.


A standout moment from the montage is the breakfast scene, where Sarah informs us: “For breakfast, I typically like to enjoy fresh-made pancakes and a healthy smoothie, but leftover baby yoghurt will do just fine.”



How many of us have been there?


Check out this excellent video below.



SHARE this if you can relate.

