Pregnancy Yoga - Kinsale

Pregnancy Yoga - Kinsale
7 Pearse St.


Connect with your baby and your changing body during pregnancy with our Pre-Natal Yoga class. Learn techniques to centre both you and your unborn during the growing months of pregnancy while at the same time strengthening your body and developing mental peace and serenity. Discover ways to be comfortable within a body that is housing two souls and the beauty of the natural state of motherhood. Many women take up Yoga for the first time while pregnant to prepare themselves for labour and birth and gain the most benefit while still pregnant. There couldn’t be a better time to invest in a good Yoga class and practice. During these classes we use postures that are adapted for safe use during pregnancy and postures specifically designed for pregnant women. There is much focus on relaxation and breath work. Also, keeping the body strong through this practice is very important during pregnancy. Finally, keeping the mind calmed through inward focus during relaxation and meditation is an important part of this work. There is also the dimension of meeting other women in the same place as ourselves. There is always time for sharing of ideas and views. We will cover many other aspects of pregnancy and birthing during the course of these sessions. Labour positions, birth plans, home birth possibilities, effective breathing techniques used during the birth and more is explored. Each week we explore one of these topics alongside our Yoga postures and practice. Commencing on September 12th for seven weeks, Monday evenings from 19.00 to 20.30 at the Carlton Hotel Kinsale - the Spa, Near Charlesfort, Kinsale. Course duration 7 weeks Cost €90. This is a wonderful offer of access to the Spa facilities (Pool, Sauna, Jacuzzi etc.) for the same price on days that the classes are held. There will be a large discount on Mother-to-be Package of 25% refer to the website Places on this course are Limited so please book ahead. For further info please refer to and to book in please call the Carlton Tel : 00353 (0) 21 4706000 For directions to the Carlton

