With the topic proving extremely divisive around the world at the moment, MummyPages decided to see how our readers felt about the subject of vaccination when it comes to their kids.
A majority in favour
Our survey showed that our mums and dads are quite open-minded when it comes to vaccinating their children, with the following statistics emerging:
- 56% are for vaccinating their children, in general
- 37% will follow the advice of their GP or health expert for each and every vaccination
- 5% are against vaccinating, with the main concern being possible side-effects
Out of the common vaccines available to children in Ireland, the one that respondents were least likely to go ahead with was the seasonal flu vaccine, with just under a third (32%) saying they would opt for it.
In light of the recent measles outbreaks in the US and Germany, our survey showed that 88% of respondents would have no problem with giving their child the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine.
While there may once have been apprehension surrounding the MMR after it was mistakenly linked with the onset of autistic symptoms, our survey showed that this is no longer the case among our mums. Indeed, when asked if this incorrect and disproven link to autism would deter them from getting their child vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, almost 90% answered “no”.
A divisive issue
While just 5% of respondents said that they are against vaccinating outright, the survey’s comments section proves that there is real fear among parents over the potential side-effects.
One parent expressed their concern, saying: “Reaction to a vaccine is my biggest fear. Babies are so small, you don’t want to wrong them by not vaccinating them; but also, if you vaccinate them and it goes wrong, you have wronged them.”
The divisiveness of the topic was further proven by another parent, who commented: “While I understand why some parents choose not to vaccinate their children due to their perceived fears of negative side-effects, really they’re failing to look at the bigger picture and they’re putting other, more vulnerable children and adults at serious risk. These diseases have been more or less wiped out by vaccinations, but the anti-vaccination movement is undoing this.”