Weddings are a whole lot different when you are taking your kids along. Rather than just simply admiring everyone else’s attire, you will spend most of your time running after your children and telling them not to poke their fingers in the cake.
However, these six tips will ensure you finish up the big day without having pulled all your hair out:
Do a little bit of prep work
If your little one has never seen a wedding before you might want to prep them a little. Tell them what is going to happen including seeing the bride walk down the aisle, the fact that there will be lots of photos taken and lots of people will be there.
Bring snacks
You need to bring snacks. It can be a very long time between the ceremony and actually sitting down to eat so make sure you bring plenty of food. Unfortunately, you will have to leave that dainty clutch bag at home but it will mean you have happy kids – we know which we’d prefer.
Items to bribe them with
You will end up bargaining or bribing your child to sit still or be quiet so make sure you bring fun things for them to play with and treats that they don’t normally get – anything for a peaceful life really.
Dress appropriately
Unfortunately you should probably leave the short, tight dress at home. You will no doubt end up picking things off the floor including your little one and the last thing you want is to flash your knickers at everyone. A loose, mid-length dress would be better for running after kids. Talking about running, you might want to opt for flat shoes rather than sky high heels.
Share the pain
If possible, arrange for your other half or another family member to watch the kids while you mingle for an hour or two. Dividing up the job between others will mean you can still enjoy your day.
Bring a spare set of clothes
Make sure you bring a spare set of clothes for your little one for spillages or for when they get too uncomfortable in their wedding outfit.
At the end of the day, you should just go with the flow. It’s not going to be the same as a wedding without your kids but bringing them doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it. Have fun.

